Quick Contact

Guyana Marketing Corporation (GMC) is a government corporation established under section 46 of the Public Corporations Act, Cap 19:05 of the Laws of Guyana that has been working assiduously over the years to promote the cultivation and export of Guyana’s non-traditional agricultural crops to Regional and Extra-Regional markets.

icon_widget_image Mon. - Thur.: 8hrs - 16:30hrs, Fri.: 8hrs - 15:30hrs icon_widget_image Ministry of Agriculture Complex, Guysuco Compound, La Bonne Intention (LBI), East Coast Demerara, Guyana. icon_widget_image +592 220-5522/24, 220-5525/34, 220-5538/42 icon_widget_image info@newgmc.gov.gy
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A Showcase of Guyana | All prices are in Guyana Dollars

The Guyana Shop

Marcia’s Product Cassava Bread


Size: 56g

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Marcia’s Product Cassava Bread has a somewhat chewy texture, and is often consumed as a snack either at breakfast time or suppertime. The most favorite way to enjoy cassava bread is with peanut butter but many also enjoy it with guacamole, butter or spreadable cheese.

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