Quick Contact

Guyana Marketing Corporation (GMC) is a government corporation established under section 46 of the Public Corporations Act, Cap 19:05 of the Laws of Guyana that has been working assiduously over the years to promote the cultivation and export of Guyana’s non-traditional agricultural crops to Regional and Extra-Regional markets.

icon_widget_image Mon. - Thur.: 8hrs - 16:30hrs, Fri.: 8hrs - 15:30hrs icon_widget_image Ministry of Agriculture Complex, Guysuco Compound, La Bonne Intention (LBI), East Coast Demerara, Guyana. icon_widget_image +592 220-5522/24, 220-5525/34, 220-5538/42 icon_widget_image [email protected]


Agri-Business Opportunities

Business Development

Grow Your Business

Promotion & Marketing

Training and Skill Development

Market Extension

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Explore the Resources

A Full
Array of Resources For Success

The Guyana Marketing Corporation (GMC) provides you with access to a number of key resources to empower your vision of creating a non-traditional agricultural enterprise.

The Guyana Shop


Meet Our Team

General Manager

Teshawna Lall

Finance Manager

Arun Dabie

Marketing Manager

Richard Hanif

Central Packaging Facility Manager

Devin Warner

Human Resource Manager

Kalowtie Stewart

Agro-processing Facilities Manager

Renee Benjamin

Guyana Shop Manager

Kevin Macklingam

Agri-Business Development Officer

Amit Parbat


Rodeikah De Fraitas

Exceptional Support

Agro-processing is a challenging venture, but the support from GMC has made it easy for me to succeed in this industry.



Great Benefit

The Guyana Marketing Corporation is truly carrying out its mandate with the work they have been doing over the years. I am happy to say that I have benefitted from their support.


Andrea Seechun

Gender Equality

Being a female farmer in this male dominated profession can be difficult at times; but the support of the Guyana Marketing Corporation's Extension Officers and even the assistance I have received through their Farmers' market days has made it a lot easier for me.

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