Mocha farmers benefit from GMC’s Farmers Exchange Visit.
31st October 2019– The Mocha Farmers’ group is the latest group of farmers to benefit from the Guyana Marketing Corporation’s Farmers’ Exchange visit which was held on the 23rd of October.
The visit was a part of the Corporation’s list of activities for Agriculture Month and was coordinated by its Extension Department. Farmers from Mocha, East Bank Demerara, took advantage of the opportunity to visit farms in Parika Back; and over 25 farmers participated in this visit.
The visit aimed to promote linkages among the two groups of farmers and service providers. Further, the visit was also geared towards establishing a social relationship among the farmers.
During the visit, the farmers from Mocha keenly observed the different practices that are undertaken by the Parika Back farmers. The farms visited were cultivated with Ochro, Pakchoi, Kale, Turmeric, along with some other cash crops.
After the field visit, a general discussion was facilitated by Mr. Milton Dookie, GMC’s Regional Marketing Coordinator.
Mr Dookie expressed his satisfaction with the outcome of the visit.
“The Mocha farmers’ exchange visit was a great success and I am extremely pleased. Not only am I pleased because the farmers of Mocha were able to create a new contact with the farmers of Parika Back, but mainly because of the response of the farmers from Mocha to what they observed,” Mr Dookie said.
The farmers from Mocha said they were impressed with some of the farming methods used by the Parika Back farmers. Some of these practices are land preparation, farm layout, and irrigation systems– all of which are integral to producing quality produce, that will make it easier to market with better prices.
The farmers added that they were really impressed with the methods used to cultivate ochro.
Equally important was the comradery that was shown amongst the farmers from the two communities.
“It was very pleasing to observe the relationship between the farmers. The farmers from Mocha promptly took the opportunity to invite the farmers of Parika back to make a return visit to Mocha farmlands to reciprocate their hospitality,” Mr Dookie said.
The Guyana Marketing Corporation has been utilizing various techniques to increase the capacity of farmers over the years.
“Exchange visits are not new and have been used worldwide among farming communities,” said Mrs Ida Sealey-Adams, General Manager of the Guyana Marketing Corporation.
“Notably, the Mocha farming community has benefitted from ongoing training that has been organized by the Corporation. Further, the idea of having the exchange visit with a farming community who has been cultivating cash crops was seen as a good initiative to encourage the Mocha to increase their current levels of production and efficiency, Mrs Sealey-Adams continued.
She stated that the learning process reflects the different stages in the adoption hierarchy where the creation of awareness must be followed by an interest in the practice.
“This commonly leads to changes in the way of thinking and a subsequent translation of ideas into action thereafter adoption. This process is not immediate. It, however, requires openness and continued dialogue,” She explained.
This, she envisaged, will take place between the farmers and the Guyana Marketing Corporation. The result of which should see the adoption of good farming practices and better quality produce for the market from the Mocha farming community.
This is the Corporation’s third farmers’ exchange visit following the last which was facilitated between farmers in Crabwood Creek, region 6 and farmers from Parika Back.