Quick Contact

Guyana Marketing Corporation (GMC) is a government corporation established under section 46 of the Public Corporations Act, Cap 19:05 of the Laws of Guyana that has been working assiduously over the years to promote the cultivation and export of Guyana’s non-traditional agricultural crops to Regional and Extra-Regional markets.

icon_widget_image Mon. - Thur.: 8hrs - 16:30hrs, Fri.: 8hrs - 15:30hrs icon_widget_image Ministry of Agriculture Complex, Guysuco Compound, La Bonne Intention (LBI), East Coast Demerara, Guyana. icon_widget_image +592 220-5522/24, 220-5525/34, 220-5538/42 icon_widget_image info@newgmc.gov.gy

New Website Launch

Guyana Marketing Corporation Ministry of Agriculture, GuySuCo Compound, La Bonne Intention, East Coast Demerara., Georgetown, Region 4, Guyana

Today marks the launch of our new website.

Market Day 2021

Guyana National Stadium Providence, Georgetown, Region 4, Guyana

Market day is an annual event to showcase community products and services.

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