Quick Contact

Guyana Marketing Corporation (GMC) is a government corporation established under section 46 of the Public Corporations Act, Cap 19:05 of the Laws of Guyana that has been working assiduously over the years to promote the cultivation and export of Guyana’s non-traditional agricultural crops to Regional and Extra-Regional markets.

icon_widget_image Mon. - Thur.: 8hrs - 16:30hrs, Fri.: 8hrs - 15:30hrs icon_widget_image Ministry of Agriculture Complex, Guysuco Compound, La Bonne Intention (LBI), East Coast Demerara, Guyana. icon_widget_image +592 220-5522/24, 220-5525/34, 220-5538/42 icon_widget_image info@newgmc.gov.gy
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Requirements for Agro-Processors’ Certifications

Getting your Agro-Processors’ Certifications is easy!
Required Steps

Steps needed to Get Your Agro-Processors’ Certifications for Food Processors

*the non-food processors will need on what is starred*

  1. Business Registration at Deeds registry (Located on Avenue of the Republic opposite the High Court).
  • Uplift forms Business Registration Form
  • A copy of your National Identification card
  • Fees $5000
  1. To Obtain A Food Handlers Certificate from Municipal
  • A sample of your stool and blood to be tested at a local Laboratory (Eureka) or any Regional Public Hospital
  • Take the medical results to the municipal- walk with: Passport size photograph, $5000, cut nails and remove nail polish if necessary. Dresscode must be in effect.
  1. To Obtain Manufacturer Permit from Food and Drug
  • Training from 9hrs – 2hrs (once the training session is available)
  • After training a badge will be issued to the individual (a fee may be attached for the badge)
  1. To obtain Manufacturing Certificate from Food and Drugs the following are requirements:
  • Uplift manufacturing form
  • Floor Plan
  • Curriculum Vitae
  • Proof of Address
  • Identification Card
  • Business Registration
  • Tin Certificate
  • Three samples of the product for laboratorial testing
  • Provide the sample of labels of all the products (Hard and Soft copies)
  • Provide a layout of the manufacturing premises.
  • Provide proof of Food Handlers Certificate
  • Provide sanitation procedure or the factory and equipment.
  • Provide a flow diagram of all products.
  • Provide a cleaning schedule for the facility.
  • Inspection of the facility will be done by a food inspector within the region. Access must be clear to the building.
  1. A Pricelist of Your Products
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