I am pleased to welcome you to our website.
Our primary focus is: ``Facilitating and coordinating the development of quality non-traditional agricultural produce for export.``

The Guyana Marketing Corporation (GMC) remains focused on its commitment to serving the interests of Guyana’s farmers and agro-processors across the spectrum of support initiatives that are necessary for them to be the best that they can be, both as producers of healthy produce and as manufacturers of agro-processed goods.
In the period ahead, we will also be seeking to help position the country’s agricultural sector to move closer to the status of a food-secure nation.
We will also continue to offer the services of our refrigerated trucks and containers and our packaging facility at both Sophia and Parika to ensure exporters have the certified facility and necessary equipment to prepare their produce for export.
We will also be moving to strengthen existing linkages with existing partners, including regional and international organizations to provide training for farmers and agro-processors to broaden their knowledge and enhance their various entrepreneurial pursuits.
High on our list of priorities is the positioning of our farmers and agro-processors to enhance the quality of what they produce for the local, regional and international markets. In this regard, the GMC intends to work with the various other stakeholders to enhance the levels of technology being applied in the manufacturing and packaging of agro-processed products to ensure that they conform to international market standards.
We have been proactive in our efforts to ensure current and prospective agro-processors have a certified facility to process their produce.
We will be working continually to improve the quality of service being offered by The Guyana Marketing Corporation in the areas of marketing and product promotion. A key feature of this pursuit will be the aggressive promotion of new products that meet the standards necessary for distribution on the local, regional and international markets.
The GMC will also be working closely with other state agencies, including those responsible for furthering the pursuit of economic diplomacy to assist in the identification of products that can be competitively positioned on the international market.
Finally, the GMC will continue to work with both the state and the private sector in creating and facilitating opportunities for locally produced agro-processed products to secure opportunities for exposure at regional and international public display events.
I hope you enjoy browsing through our website and I look forward to you contacting us.
Ms. Teshawna Lall MBA
General Manager
Guyana Marketing Corporation