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Guyana Marketing Corporation (GMC) is a government corporation established under section 46 of the Public Corporations Act, Cap 19:05 of the Laws of Guyana that has been working assiduously over the years to promote the cultivation and export of Guyana’s non-traditional agricultural crops to Regional and Extra-Regional markets.

icon_widget_image Mon. - Thur.: 8hrs - 16:30hrs, Fri.: 8hrs - 15:30hrs icon_widget_image Ministry of Agriculture Complex, Guysuco Compound, La Bonne Intention (LBI), East Coast Demerara, Guyana. icon_widget_image +592 220-5522/24, 220-5525/34, 220-5538/42 icon_widget_image info@newgmc.gov.gy

April 2021

Hot pepper is cultivated in all regions of Guyana. There is tremendous scope for expansion in the production of hot peppers in Guyana. This is largely influenced by the Agricultural Diversification Strategy undertaken by the Government of Guyana through the

Cucurbita maxima (pumpkin) is believed to have originated in South America and is grown worldwide. Pumpkin belongs to the Cucurbitaceae family, which includes cucumber, melon, and squash. Exports of fresh pumpkin from Guyana increased from 197 tonnes in 2019 to

Watermelon (Citrullus lantatus) belongs to the family Cucurbitaceae which includes squash, pumpkin, and cucumber. Availability is year-round. Watermelons vary in shape; from globular to oblong. External rind colour varies from light to dark green and maybe solid, striped, or marbled.

Eddoes are tropical plants grown primarily as a vegetable for its edible corm and also as a leaf vegetable. In Guyana, eddoes are used as a staple. The main production areas are on the Linden Soesdyke Highway.   MAIN VARIETIES Chinese Coco MAIN

The coconut industry in Guyana has been identified as one of the sectors with a large potential for further development. It can be used in food, feed, and fuel and delivers a wide variety of products, including coconut water, coconut

Pineapples are one of the most important fruit crops in Guyana for the domestic and export markets. Lucrative markets exist for pineapples in and outside of the Caribbean Region. The major producing areas are in Administrative Regions 2, 3 &

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